May 18, 2022Liked by JoAnn Chateau

What's shocking to me is that the Trumpists and far-right Republicans are the people speaking out for peace in Ukraine and against the $40 billion giveaway to Ukraine while inflation rages here and mothers in the U.S. can't find baby formula. Meanwhile, all of the Dems, Bernie included, are trying to rush through the outrageous $40 billion giveaway which we will have to borrow because we don't have the money. The majority of Americans are rightfully more concerned with the devastating problems at home. We are on the brink of WWIII and nuclear holocaust because Russia didn't want NATO missiles in Ukraine, just like we didn't want Russian missiles in Cuba. How crazy is that?

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Yes. It's stupid to carry on a proxy war with Russia. The obvious way to push back on Russia would be to quickly advance to renewable energy, with a stepped up space-program-like effort. That wouldn't feed the MIC, but it WOULD boost the American economy and help save the planet.

I feel for Ukraine, but I think it and neighboring countries should be responsible to deal with Russia. The U.S. could best help them by destroying the market for Russian oil.

I fear nuclear attack or a disastrous mishap. Ukraine would be ground zero! But no country is safe. We should disable Russia by making oil effectively obsolete. Though I suppose Saudi Arabia wouldn't appreciate that (as if I care).

Re Trumpists and far-right Republicans, many Trump followers admire authoritarian figures like Putin. They think there'd be peace if Ukraine surrendered. Which is true. But wouldn't Putin then invade Poland?

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022Liked by JoAnn Chateau

There's no evidence that Putin has designs on any other country. He doesn't want NATO missiles in Ukraine for the same reason we didn't want Soviet missiles in Cuba. He would have only minutes to decide whether to launch a full retaliatory nuclear strike in the event of a launch detection that close to his border, i.e. to decide if the launch detection was real and not a false alarm. False launch detections have happened and fortunately were determined to be false before planet-killing retaliatory nuclear strikes were launched.

The Ukraine war could have been easily avoided. All Putin wanted was for Ukraine to be independent of NATO and for the Ukrainian army to stop shelling the Donbas region and killing innocent people. Zelensky could have even kept his job. The mainstream media haven't reported the history of Putin's demands prior to the invasion, just as it never reported that the evidence for WMD in Iraq prior to our invasion was flimsy to non-existent. When Phil Donohue brought up the subject on his show, he was fired even though he had the #1 show on MSNBC at the time.

Here's what the Ukraine war is really about. The endless war in Afghanistan is being replaced by what is now the endless proxy war in Ukraine.

Here's how Julian Assange so aptly put it sometime ago. "The goal is not to completely subjugate Afghanistan. The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the U.S. and European countries through Afghanistan and back into the hands of the transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war.” Assange's keen insight is why the U.S. government wants to lock him up for 175 years.

To put $40 billion in perspective, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, it would only cost $20 billion to end homelessness in the entire United States, and we aren't even asking Ukraine to pay it back. It's a massive, inflation-fueling giveaway which we cannot afford.

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Thanks for clarifying Putin's stated intention. Yes, endless war and war profiteering are most likely the underlying reason.

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May 20, 2022·edited May 21, 2022Liked by JoAnn Chateau

I have to give credit to Ray McGovern, former CIA Russia analyst and co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, for explaining the launch detection issue. It's funny how he is never invited on mainstream news programs or interviewed by mainstream news sources. It's not like he isn't qualified. In the 1980s he chaired National Intelligence Estimates (the authoritative assessment of the Director of National Intelligence on intelligence related to a particular national security issue produced by the National Intelligence Council) and prepared the President's Daily Brief. He was good enough to brief the president every morning, but he isn't good enough for MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News. The problem is that Ray doesn't always give the answers that the military-industrial-media complex wants to hear.

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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

TV "War Experts" Exposed As Paid Shills For Weapons Manufacturers:


Bernie, the Squad, and all the other alleged progressives voted to give $40 billion more to Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and the other arms manufacturers so they can send more of their products to Ukraine, heightening the risk of a direct confrontation with Russia and nuclear Armageddon, while Rand Paul asks, "Why can't we just loan them the money?"

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