Independent News and Commentary Outlets
Ready to advance to the "big picture?" Add independent (noncorporate) news outlets to your daily news consumption.
UPDATED: January 7, 2025
Independent news organizations may represent any political bias or particular field. You'll find everything from...
Religious socialism to responsible foreign policy
Erudite professors to basement YouTubers
Front-line activists to government policymakers
Marxist revolutionaries to docile soft-left Democrats
Regional to global perspectives
The venues range from radio to newspaper, online websites to podcasts, and smartphone apps
Does it seem like most of the listed outlets are progressive? That’s what freedom and an open mind will do for you! (I’ve added a “✴️” to my personal favorites.)
Progressive News & Commentary
EDITOR’S NOTE: Independent news outlets depend upon the financial support of viewers, readers, and listeners. If you have the means, please consider donating to your favorite platforms.
+972 Magazine - “Connecting the dots in Israel-Palestine.”
100 Days in Appalachia - “We believe the story of Appalachia reflects the story of our country. We’re here to amplify the region’s diverse voices, celebrate our successes, investigate our failures and empower our communities.”
Academy of Ideas - "Free minds for a free society." Aims to spread knowledge and freedom by creating content that examines the ideas put forth by humanity’s greatest philosophers, psychologists, and economists. - “A progressive media company specializing in livestreaming and digital strategy.” Youtube.
acTVism Munich - "Information that moves." An outlet for investigative reporters, academics, scientists, analysts, activists, artists, and other concerned and engaged people. German and English.
Africa Is a Country - News analysis surrounding the African continent and its global interconnections.
Against the Current - A "project of regroupment and dialogue within the U.S. Left... with the goal of promoting discussion among activists, organizers, and scholars on the Left."
Alabama Reflector - Covering politics and policy in Alabama.
Alamada Post - A “nonprofit, independent, community-produced, and community-focused” online news outlet, covering Alamada, California.
Alborada - "An independent voice on Latin American politics, media + culture," with a progressive take.
Alaska Beacon - “Independent, nonpartisan news… focused on connecting Alaskans to their state government.”
AlterNet - “Grassroots success stories and inspirational narratives alongside hard-hitting critiques of policies, investigative reports, and expert analysis.”
Alternative Radio - “Audio energy for democracy.”
Amandla - Keep up with the left-wing view on politics in the "Southern African region, across the African continent and globally."
American Origin Stories with Matthew Cooke - Cooke is today's Howard Zinn, with a more positive note: "Our real origins connect us back to reality, each other, and a whole new American cinematic universe to be proud of and learn from."
The American Prospect - A website and print magazine for "informed discussion on public policy, from a progressive perspective." ✴️
The Analysis News - "Corporate news has infantilized the national discourse. We need to tell people the whole truth, as best we can, about the urgency of this historical moment."
Anticapitalist Resistance - A blog from a "revolutionary Marxist organisation in England & Wales" that is "fighting disaster capitalism with ecosocialism."
Anti-Republican Network - A clear-speaking Canadian reports, mainly on U.S. left political news, with Christo Aivalis. (Headlines are exaggerated, but analysis is good.) - Antiwar news, viewpoints, and actions "devoted to the cause of non-interventionism... read by libertarians, pacifists, leftists, greens, independents alike, as well as many on the Right" who oppose imperialism, worldwide.
As Goes Wisconsin - "Moving Wisconsin forward, one joke at a time... content that informs, entertains and inspires civic engagement." Wisconsin is one of those states that is an incubator of national polities.
Bad Faith - Podcast hosts Briahna Joy Gray (Bernie Sanders Campaign National Press Secretary) and Virgil Texas (Chapo Trap House) team up to be “two people from two very different parts of the left [to] make the case for one less terrible world.”
Bad News - A political news and insight newsletter from Ryan Grim, DC bureau chief for The Intercept.
Basic Income Today - “The UBI news hub.”
Beau of the Fifth Column - "Discussions of a southern journalist who is tired of a lack of common sense." Unique presentation style. YouTube.
Belly of the Beast - Filling the "void left by media coverage of Cuba and U.S.-Cuba relations." Investigative journalism.
The Benjamin Dixon Show - “News and commentary from a progressive perspective and the black experience. Cautiously idealistic yet reasonably pragmatic.” YouTube.
Best of the Left - Award-winning podcast covering progressive politics and culture.
BIG by Matt Stoller - A newsletter on “the history and politics of monopoly power.”✴️
Big Easy Magazine - Tagline: “Unapologetically progressive. Uniquely New Orleans.”
Black Agenda Report - “News, commentary & analysis from the black left.”
Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs - In this podcast, economist and academic Jeffrey Sachs talks to “renowned authors about their groundbreaking work in history, social justice, sustainable development, and more.”
Boston Review - From the site: “A range of voices and views in dialogue… fostering the open and engaged exchange of ideas essential to a flourishing democracy.”
The Breach - From the site: "Independent media... critical journalism to help map a just, viable future... Voices you won’t often find in the establishment media." Canadian.
Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar - From the site: “a fearless anti-establishment multi-week Youtube and Podcast which holds the powerful to account.”
Breakthrough News - “The untold stories of resistance from poor and working-class communities.”
Brian Tyler Cohen - Progressive reporting on "the news as it happens, backed up by facts... no-BS news that gets right to the point from a source you can trust."
Byline Times - Tagline: "What the papers don't say." Articles are sorted by Fact, Argument, Reportage or Culture. Under-reported progressive news, based in the UK.
Caitlin Johnstone - "Daily writings on the end of illusions." With an artistic flair.
The Canada Files - “A news outlet that does investigations of Canadian imperialism.”
The Canary - “Get the news that really matters” (UK-based) A workers' co-op.
Capital & Main - “Investigating money, power and society”
Capitol Hill Citizen - A monthly print-only newspaper founded by Ralph Nader. Very important muckraking.
Chop Wood Carry Water - A newsletter of daily progressive political activism that anyone can easily accomplish in a few minutes. Plus, a Sunday newsletter that highlights the good political news of the past week.
CounterPunch - Known for "muckraking with a radical attitude.“
The Chris Hedges Report - Radical writer and journalist, Chris Hedges, writes, broadcasts and reports from his Substack newsletter.
The City - An "independent, nonprofit newsroom covering New York."
Climate and Capitalism - A blog that reflects "the viewpoint of ecological Marxism."
CodePink Radio - The podcast: "Robust conversation with global grassroots peacemakers."
Common Dreams - An essential independent progressive news website, Common Dreams strikes a down-to-earth tone and misses nothing on the political scene. Its mission: “To inform. To inspire. To ignite change for the common good.”
Consortium News - Founded in 1995 to counteract the growing groupthink and propaganda of the mainstream media (MSM).
The Conversation - From the website: “An independent, nonprofit publisher of commentary and analysis, authored by academics and edited by journalists for the general public.”
Courier Newsroom - Factual news reporting from the left perspective, via local newsrooms.
Cardinal & Pine - North Carolina
The Copper Courier - Arizona
Dogwood - Virginia
Floricua - Florida
The Gander - Michigan
The Iowa Starting Line - Iowa
The Keystone - Pennsylvania
Up North News - Wisconsin
CovertAction Magazine - Investigative journalism and reporting of global covert operations. It may be critical of the CIA. Tagline: “Exposing covert action since 1978.”
Crooked - "A media network that showcases stories, voices, and opportunities for activism that inform, entertain, and inspire action." Home of Pod Save America.
Crooks and Liars - Progressive news and media criticism. (You have to love the name!)
Current Affairs Well-rounded coverage of politics and culture for information and entertainment. Substantive analysis, striking illustrations, and satire.
The Daily Beans - A podcast "brought to you by the Webby award-winning hosts of Mueller, She Wrote, Allison Gill, and comedian/fund-raiser/activist Dana Goldberg. Get your social justice and political news with just the right amount of snark."
Daily KOS - "A group blog and internet forum focused on the Democratic Party and liberal American politics." Find diverse communities, political comics, and petitions.
Damage Magazine - “The present moment is severely damaged and in need of some wide-ranging assessment.” A critic of economic systems.
Data for Progress - The blog: "Where progressive leaders of today and tomorrow use our data to illuminate the most important stories in the country."
The David Pakman Show - “Progressive news and political talk program, featuring biting social commentary, controversial interviews with liberal and conservative politicians, activists, and religious extremists.”
Democracy - A progressive journal that "seek[s] breakthrough thinking on the concepts and approaches that respond to the central transformations of our time."
Democratic Left - The Democratic Socialists of America’s quarterly publication.
Democracy at Work - Essential for understanding modern socialism and to hear judicious criticisms of capitalism. Host economist Professor Richard D. Wolff advocates worker co-ops. ✴️
Democracy Now! - The most essential independent progressive news program. “Headlines” begin the show, covering national and international news (actual news, not commentary), including political, social, and environmental activism. The rest of the show is devoted to interviewing people with a close or enlightened view on the top stories of the day. ✴️
The Dissenter - “Journalism that promotes whistleblowing as a human right.”
DeSmog - Clearing the "PR pollution" with "accurate, fact-based information regarding global warming misinformation campaigns." The UK and US.
Dissent - “America’s oldest democratic socialist magazine.”
Double Down News - “In an ever increasingly divided world, our job isn’t to drive people further apart with fear and fiction but bring them together with empathy and evidence.” Based in the UK.
Documented - New York immigrant and labor news, with updates from Washington D.C. and around the United States.
Empire Files - "An independent documentary & interview series hosted by Abby Martin - reporting on war & inequality from the heart of Empire."
Ethical Markets - Promotes "the emergence of a sustainable, green, more ethical and just economy worldwide."
The Evergreen Action Blog - Evaluates proposed federal legislation for climate action and spotlights what is actually needed. A satisfying level of clear, organized detail is provided.
Evonomics - “Changes in economic thinking can change the world, for the better.”
Fair and CounterSpin (radio show) - A national media watch group for “fairness & accuracy in reporting.”
Farron Balanced - Progressive media professional Farron Cousins gives his take on American politics. He lives in Florida, so has some local insights, as well. YouTube.
Freedom of the Press Foundation - “Stay up to date on government secrecy, surveillance, and the rights of reporters and whistleblowers.”
FIRE Newsdesk - "Get the latest free speech news as it happens." A foundation for individual rights and expression. (Formerly Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.)
Five Minute News - A world news podcast that is "factual, verified, and responsible... whilst going deeper... featuring politics, inequality, health and climate... in a relatable, accessible and reliable format, delivered with empathy and thoughtfulness."
Florida Phoenix - Coverage of “the people who are trying to help solve problems and shift policy for a more compassionate world.” Based in Tallahassee, Florida.
Free Press - Envisioning “what a transformed media could look like and how technology could improve [our] lives.”
The Free Press - Investigative stories and “provocative commentary about the world as it actually is.” Subscriber supported.
Free Speech TV - A network that hosts a variety of independent progressive news and commentary. Available at AppleTV, Dish Network ch. 9415, DirecTV ch. 348, Roku &”
Friends in D.C. - Friends in Washington D.C. can mean real progressives, or fictional dogs who hang out with political activists. (Editor's note: yes, it's my newsletter.)
Geopolitical Economy - "Independent news, investigations, and analysis of the changing world." Largely geopolitics and U.S. foreign policy. Journalist and analyst Ben Norton is Editor-in-Chief.
Give Them An Argument With Ben Burgis - The “Logician for the Left” on YouTube.
Green Left - Domestic and world news and analysis, with an emphasis on ecosocialism action in Australia.
Grist - The most comprehensive source of accurate, up-to-date climate news, that is humanly tolerable, on a daily basis. Grist allows a little hope.✴️
The Guardian, U.S. Edition - "Guardian Media Group is a global news organisation that delivers fearless, investigative journalism... independent ownership structure means we are entirely free from political and commercial influence."✴️
High Country News - News from the American West, covering social, political and ecological issues.
The Humanist Report - Mike Figueredo's progressive political YouTube channel.
Informed Comment - Independent reporting on “how war, climate change and globalization are shaping our world.”
The Ink - Anand Giridharadas on "investigating politics and culture, money and power, and telling the un-gussied truth.”
Institute for Policy Studies - "Challenges "inequality, corporate power, polluters, and militarism." Political policy commentary and reports.
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) - Possibly the "world's best cross-border journalism." Famous for breaking the Pandora Papers.
International Viewpoint - An online socialist magazine that reports on the "popular struggles, and the debates that are shaping the left of tomorrow."
In These Times - “Dedicated to advancing democracy and economic justice”
In the Thick - Award-winning journalists Maria Hinojosa and Julio Ricardo Varela host the only podcast that covers news, that mainstream media misses, from the POC perspective.
Iowa Capital Dispatch - “Free and independent journalism is what keeps our public servants accountable and responsive to the people… Community journalism for democracy” in Iowa.
Jacobin - A democratic socialist publication that's near to a professional journal. Left-wing policy and politics. Intelligent, well-written, and dives deep into issues. ✴️
JENerational Change - “Spotlights non-corporate candidates who challenge entrenched corporate incumbents, regardless of their party affiliation... and other public figures who seek to make a positive change." Discussion and commentary. YouTube.
The John Fugelsang Podcast - A witty dive into politics, religion, and culture. Left-wing. And wow, John can take on extremist right-wing Christians!
JoJo From Jerz - “A snarky single mom in Jersey, who loves politics.” Fiery. Just.
The Juice Media - “Honest Government Ads.” Informative Australian satire.
Justice Matters - Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner "breaks down today’s complex legal issues in ways that are understandable, relatable, and usable."
KBBF - “The first fully bilingual, bi-cultural educational radio service in the United States.” English and Spanish. Local (Northern California) and international news.
Know Your Enemy - “A leftist’s guide to the conservative movement, one podcast episode at a time.”
KPFA - A radio station that airs the “Voices of the Middle East and North Africa.”
Labor Notes - From the site: "Whether we're reporting on a struggle across the street or around the world, [we] deliver the best labor news and analysis available."
Last Real Indians - “Independent media with direction… creating the new indigenous millennium.”
The Laura Flanders Show - “Reporting on the people and movements driving systemic change.”
Law and Political Economy Blog - “Scholarly work that maps where we have gone wrong, and that develops ideas and proposals to democratize our political economy and build a more just, equal, and sustainable future.”
Left Anchor - A podcast about "Philosophy, politics, and the left."
Left Voice - Online magazine for revolutionary socialists. International network of news, published in eight languages, that is based in the United States. It "examine[s] the movements of the U.S. working class within the larger framework of global revolution."
Letters From an American - The newsletter of American historian and professor Heather Cox Richardson that chronicles current political events, within the context of United States history.
The Lever - An "investigative news outlet that holds accountable the people and corporations manipulating the levers of power." ✴️
Liberation - News commentary provided by the Party of Socialism and Liberation. The website is in both English and Spanish.
Little Sis - "The opposite of Big Brother. A resource for investigating cronyism and systemic corruption at the heights of business and government." Blog: Eyes on the Ties.
Lucid - The newsletter of history professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat, which provides "big picture thinking about threats to democracy around the world."
The Majority Report With Sam Seder - Discussion of current news events and political affairs from a progressive view.
Means TV - “TV and Movies for the 99%. Worker-owned, people-funded, post-capitalist entertainment. New content every week.”
Media Matters - “Rapid-response items as well as longer research and analytic reports documenting conservative misinformation throughout the media."
Meduza - "We value our independence and strive to be a reliable, trusted outlet for verified, unbiased information about Russia and the former Soviet Union, as well as a source for sharp insights about one of the world’s most enigmatic regions."
Medias Touch - Left-leaning political and legal news analysis. Tagline: “Because truth is golden.”✴️
Michael Moore - A newsletter where filmmaker Michael Moore talks about progressive politics.
Michael Roberts - A blog from a Marxist economist.
Michigan Advance - In Michigan, there's "a hard-hitting, nonprofit news site covering politics and policy across the state... [and] top-notch progressive commentary."
Middle East Eye - Middle East and North Africa: Get “on-the-ground news, comment and analysis… local viewpoints… Reporters read between the lines and take stories one step further, rather than simply follow the official narrative.”
The Militant - A weekly socialist newspaper since 1928. “It reflects the program, perspectives and activities of the Socialist Workers Party in the United States.”
Millennial Review - A podcast that looks "at politics from the perspective of the most indebted and disenfranchised generation in American history.”
MintPress News - "Coverage on issues relating to the effects of special interest groups, big business and lobbying efforts and how they shape policies at home and abroad... Through the lens of social justice and human rights..." Look for Lee Camp.
MIT Technology Review - “A world-renowned, independent media company whose insight, analysis, reviews, interviews and live events explain the newest technologies and their commercial, social and political impacts.”
Monthly Review - “An independent socialist magazine.”
Morning Star - From the UK: "The only English-language socialist daily newspaper in the world, published six days a week." Good film reviews.
The Nation - Founded in 1865 by abolitionists, an independent news organization that provides news, original investigative reports, and progressive commentary. It covers politics, world, economy, culture, society, environment, and advocates action.
NC Newsline - A “nonpartisan, nonprofit newsroom dedicated to fearless reporting and hard-hitting commentary that shines a light on injustice, holds public officials accountable, and helps improve the quality of life.” Based in Raleigh, North Carolina.
New Internationalist - An independent staff-owned co-operative that covers the big, but under-reported, international news stories.
New Left Review - A left-wing journal of ideas covering world politics, global economy, movements, theory, history, culture and more." From the UK.
New Politics - An "independent socialist forum for dialogue and debate on the left."
The New Republic - Founded by progressive leaders in 1914 to balance moral passion with scientific analysis. They’re still at it.
New Statesman - The leading progressive political and cultural magazine in the UK.
News Click - “The digital destination for news, views, opinion & analysis from people-centric worldview, ignored by the corporate media.” Based in India.
Next City - “A nonprofit news organization that believes journalists have the power to amplify solutions and help spread them from one city to the next city.”
Night School with Marc Lamont Hill - “Radical, independent thought… where we break down the latest news with real talk and radical analysis for the people.”
Novara Media - "Addressing the issues that are set to define the 21st century, from a crisis of capitalism to racism and climate change... Our journalism is always politically committed... actively intends to feed back into political action." Based in the UK.
One Green Planet - “One Green Planet is your online guide to making conscious and compassionate choices that help people, animals and the planet.” Lots of great vegan recipes.
Open Democracy - From the site: "Through reporting and analysis of social and political issues, we seek to educate citizens to challenge power and encourage democratic debate across the world. " Based in the UK.
OptOut - A downloadable "app where you can read, listen to, and watch exclusively independent content." Also, Important Context for overlooked or misrepresented news stories.
Pacifica Network Affiliates - Find a grassroots community radio station in your area (also satellite and Internet).
Passage - “A Canadian publication of thoughtful political, economic, and cultural ideas from a left-wing perspective.”
Patriotic Millionaires - “United in concern about the destabilizing concentration of wealth and power in America” Policy advocacy and commentary.
Peoples Dispatch - Bringing you “voices from people’s movements and organizations across the globe… from a perspective widely different from that of the mainstream media.”
The People's Forum - Mission: "We are a movement incubator for working class and marginalized communities to build unity across historic lines of division at home and abroad." Articles and events. Based in New York City.
People’s World - A Marxist and American leftist news publication. It “traces its lineage to the Daily Worker newspaper, founded by communists, socialists, union members, and other activists in Chicago in 1924.”
Persuasion - The newsletter of Yascha Mounk, professor of political science, about "ideas, policies and strategies that can beat authoritarian populism."
Pitchfork Economics with Nick Hanauer - A podcast about good business practices that can save the American economy. (Hanauer explains his “pitchfork” thesis in the 2014 Politico article “The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats.”) ✴️
Pod Save America - A progressive "political podcast for people who aren’t ready to give up or go insane."
Politics Girl - "An easy-to-understand weekly podcast aimed at educating and inspiring voters to reengage with the political process."
Popular Information - A newsletter of investigative reporting "for people who give a damn." Progressive viewpoint.
Popular Resistance - “Providing a daily stream of resistance news from the United States and around the world”
Portside - A news aggregator that features "material of interest to people on the Left."
The Progressive - “A voice for peace, social justice, and the common good!”
Progressive International Wire - Covering activism around the world, a "wire service to the world's progressive forces... translates stories, essays, and statements... to provide a diversity of perspectives on international issues."
Project Censored - Republishes “Validated Independent News” that is under-reported. "Each story undergoes evaluation by student researchers and faculty evaluators to determine that it is important, timely, fact-based, [and] well documented." ✴️
ProPublica - "Investigative journalism in the public interest." One of the best. ✴️
Protean - Mission: "To promote high-quality criticism, literature, and art for the political left."
Puntorojo - A digital "anti-capitalist magazine of revolutionary abolitionism, internationalism, and class struggle." - From the website: “The information and entertainment destination of choice for Canada’s progressive left.”
Radical Art Review - From the website: "Where art meets activism... building a democratic artistic counterculture in a world fractured by anxiety, prejudice, and systems thinking." Based in the UK.
Radio Station Sampler
WMNF 88.5 FM - Eclectic music and progressive talk, “community conscious radio” from Tampa, Florida.
WORT 89.9 FM - Listener-supported, volunteer-powered community radio from Madison, Wisconsin.
WPFW 89.3 FM - Tagline: “Jazz & Justice.” Community radio based in Washington, D.C.
Ralph Nader Radio Hour - Ralph interviews the "nation’s most influential movers and shakers. You'll also hear stimulating discussions of the week’s news.” This is an important show. ✴️
Rampant Magazine - Making the "structures of ruling class power visible and to highlight how they shape everyone’s lived realities." It's "revolutionary politics, Chicago style."
Rascal - A “worker-owned outlet for journalism about tabletop roleplaying games and the people who make them.” Motto: “Write free or die.”
The Rational National - “An outsider-view (Canadian) of American politics.” YouTube.
The Real News Network - Connects "you to the movements, people, and perspectives that are advancing the cause of a more just, equal, and livable planet."
Real Progressives - A focus on progressive citizen activism, education, policy, and media. Visitors learn a LOT about Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).
Red Flag - "An anticapitalist voice in Australian politics." Their theoretical sister publication Marxist Left Review.
The Red Nation - "Liberation of Native peoples from capitalism and colonialism." Sporadic publication; you get more news by following their Twitter account.
Red Pepper - Socialist quarterly magazine and website on Left politics and culture, based in London, England. It tries to be “a home for open-minded anti-capitalists.”
Religious Socialism - "Dedicated to people of faith and socialism." A working-group in the Democratic Socialists of America.
Responsible Statecraft - News and analysis that supports U.S. foreign diplomacy and military restraint.
Resumen Latinoamericano in English - “News and analysis regarding Latin America and the US and the relationship between the US and the region.”
Resurgence & Ecologist - From the website: "positive perspectives on a range of engaging topics covering ecology, social justice, philosophy, spirituality, sustainable development and the arts." Also visit The Ecologist website.
Reveal - An award-winning independent investigative newsroom. Domestic and global issues.
Revolutionary Left Radio - A podcast that explores “political philosophy, history, science, religion, culture, art, and struggle through a socialist lens.”
Revolving Door Project - A newsletter with the aim to ensure that "political appointees serve the broad public interest."
Ricochet - Public-interest journalism, seeking "to illuminate the cultural and political diversity within Canada."
The Ring of Fire - “The latest legal and progressive news... free from corporate influence. Featuring Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins."
Robert Reich - Follow former Labor Secretary Robert Reich at his website. He’s a brilliant teacher of ecopolitics and co-founder of Inequality Media
RS21 - Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century (rs21). Fighting oppression on an international level. Based in Britain.
The Sanctuary for Independent Media - The concept: A "telecommunications production facility dedicated to community media arts." Location: Upstate New York. Watch: Sanctuary TV.
San Quentin News - “Written by the incarcerated. Advancing social justice.”
Sapiens - Anthropology. A digital magazine that aims to increase curiosity and empathy, and amplify "anthropological insights to build a more just and sustainable world."
Scalawag - "We disrupt dominant narratives with journalism & storytelling in pursuit of justice & liberation." Covering the American South. "Black-led, women-run, nonprofit."
Scheer Post - A progressive news and commentary platform from well-known left-wing journalist Robert Scheer.
Science for the People - A blog from "a science-activist organization" that is "committed to the democratic practice of science for the benefit of humanity and the planet."
Second Thought - An "analysis of current events from a Socialist perspective." YouTube. See also newly launched "biased news" show First Thought.
Secular Talk - “News and politics commentary from the populist left perspective." YouTube.
SiriusXM Progress - (Satellite radio.) From the website: “Hear progressive viewpoints from a wide range of voices – including Zerlina Maxwell and Jess McIntosh, Stephanie Miller, Thom Hartmann, Michelangelo Signorile, Dean Obeidallah, John Fugelsang, and more.”
Sludge - Investigative journalism, centered on lobbying and money in politics, to “reveal the hidden networks and conflicts of interest that drive systemic corruption.”
Sojourners - An "independent, award-winning print and online magazine of faith, culture, and politics. Our mission is to inspire hope and action by articulating the biblical call to racial and social justice, life and peace, and environmental stewardship."
Spectre - A Marxist journal that explores "how should the fact of difference--whether in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, sex, nationality, or something else entirely--impact our analyses of capitalism and strategies for bringing it to its long overdue end?"
Status Coup - “Progressive… investigative reporting that gives the microphone back to the people!” with Jordan Chariton. YouTube.
The Stephanie Miller Show - “Fast-paced, impromptu, comedic-style” weekday discussion of politics, current events, and pop culture – from the progressive perspective. Hosted by comedian Stephanie Miller.
Struggle la Lucha - You want to know how angry people are getting? Follow this news outlet. "Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite!"
Talking Points Memo - "Particularly focused on reporting on abuses of power and betrayals of the public trust."
Tech Won't Save Us - The podcast aims to "challenge the notion that tech alone can drive our world forward by showing that separating tech from politics has consequences for us all, especially the most vulnerable."
Tempest - "A modest attempt to help contribute to the reconstitution of revolutionary politics and organization in the United States today." Ground-up democratic socialism.
Tennessee Holler - The aim is to "keep holding... public officials accountable and “Yelling the Truth.” Based in Tennessee.
The Texas Observer - "A nonprofit progressive [indepth] investigative outlet covering Texas since 1954."
Tone Madison - An example of independent local news. “Fiercely independent coverage of culture and politics in Madison, Wisconsin. Worker-owned and reader-supported.”
This Is Hell - Tagline: “Manufacturing Dissent Since 1996.” From the website: “Every Saturday morning, Chuck Mertz works off his news hangover by talking to the journalists, authors and activists working to make this world a slightly less hellish place.”
This Is Revolution - Musicians cover news, politics, and culture from the left.
Thom Hartmann Program - A well-established, leading edge, left-wing radio talk show. “News, Opinion, Debate.”✴️
TomDispatch - "For those seeking a deeper understanding of our post-9/11 world & a clear sense of how our imperial globe actually works."
Tribune - "For eighty years [Tribune] has been at the heart of left-wing politics in Britain." (George Orwell used to be its literary editor.)
Truthout - "Reporting and commentary on a diverse range of social justice issues... [with] accuracy, transparency, and independence from the influence of corporate and political forces."
Veg News - “Packed with today’s best vegan lifestyle content from food and fashion to travel, celebrity interviews, and beauty. (VegNews is published by Fresh Healthy Media, which is privately owned by one of the magazine’s original founders.) Recipes, too!
Waging Nonviolence - From the website: “Original reporting and expert analysis of social movements around the world.”
The Washington Spectator - “An independent, progressive and reader-supported journal of politics and the arts published each month in print, and updated daily online.”
The Wire - "India's foremost independent news-site, carrying critical opinion, investigations and reportage."
Workday Magazine - “Investigative journalism… Based in Minnesota…Covers the greater Midwest, along with international issues that affect workers, like climate change and U.S. militarism.”
Working People - “A podcast by, for, and about the working class today.”
Yes! - From the website: “Independent and nonpartisan… explanatory journalism… societal problems… root causes… opportunities for systemic, structural change.”
The Young Turks Network - "The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian."
Your Undivided Attention - A podcast about technology and "social media’s race for attention [that] manipulates our choices, breaks down truth, and destabilizes our real-world communities," and solutions that create a more humane technology.
The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow - “Progressive journalism for an age of crisis."
Zeteo - Founded by Mehdi Hasan, February 2024. “Where independent and unfiltered journalism is making its comeback.”
End of list. Want a few media literacy tips? Read on...
The Importance of Facts
Though facts may be interpreted in a variety of ways, the facts do not waver. (There is no such thing as an "alternative" fact.) Recognized facts allow honest, intelligent debate. Original sources offer the most solid facts. Here are a few important online sources of original information:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Public health data and information. - Particularly good for government data and legislative bills.
C-SPAN - The unfiltered spoken words of government leaders.
Federal Election Commission (FEC) - Check federal election results, review contribution limits, research legal resources, and more.
Global Climate Change - "Vital signs of the planet," provided by NASA.
Nonpartisan Watchdog Agencies
Follow the Money - “A national… finance database of state and federal contribution data.” - The “leading non-governmental source of legislative information and statistics.” User-friendly. Follow developing issues.
Open Secrets - "The nation's premier research and government transparency group tracking money in politics, and its effect on elections and policy."
Vote 411 - Voting information, by state. Courtesy of The League of Women Voters Education Fund.
Expert Interpretation of the Facts
As you study a topic, pay careful attention to the sources who are experts in the field. Experts are very good at:
Evaluating the credibility of sources
Sifting through tons of information
Debating their equally adept colleagues on differing views
Spotting weak arguments or suspect statements
Making sense of it all
Follow the Opposition
In the interest of objectivity, follow the opposition enough to understand where it's coming from. Improve the News helps you do just that, without wasting time. Find news coverage from either the left or right. In fact, you can set preferences for news coverage from any or all angles:
Political stance - left vs. right
Establishment stance - critical vs. supportive
Writing style - provocative vs. nuanced
Depth - breezy vs. detailed
Shelf-Life - short vs. long
Recency - evergreen vs. latest
Why Independent News Media Is Important
Network news is entertaining and easy to digest. But when you’re ready to advance to the "big picture," you must add independent news outlets to your daily news consumption. Exposure to diverse viewpoints is the foundation of an informed opinion.
Mainstream media (MSM), or network news, maintains a corporate bias, regardless of whether it tends to be liberal (e.g., MSNBC) or conservative (e.g., FOX News). MSM supports wealthy special interests, and reports for the views of an elite status quo.
You need additional information. You need coverage of news events that are relevant to ordinary people, with explanations on how the issues may impact YOU.
Let’s be very clear. Corporate media is not “objective;” they are not the “referees” trying to provide “all sides of the story.” Corporate media are profit-making entities owned and controlled by the ruling class and some of the wealthiest people in the country. And, like all private corporations, they have an agenda.
- Bernie Sanders, Where We Go from Here: Two Years in the Resistance
"Fair & Balanced" Is a Relic of the Past
In the olden days, TV and radio stations covered both sides of a controversial topic and gave political candidates equal airtime. But mainstream network news is no longer regulated. The FCC Fairness Doctrine was overruled in 1987.
[The] Fairness Doctrine… (1949–87)… required licensed radio and television broadcasters to present fair and balanced coverage of controversial issues of interest to their communities, including by devoting equal airtime to opposing points of view… Also, candidates for public office were entitled to equal airtime.
- Matt Stefon,
Evaluating a News Source
Get into the habit of evaluating the reliability and bias of your information resources. When looking at a news story, ask yourself the following questions:
Is it factually correct?
What is the context? (A quote taken out of context, for instance, could be misleading.)
Is the information up-to-date?
Does it include all pertinent information? What is left out, if anything? (Is the story slanted?)
Why are they telling me this? Be alert for sources that publish marketing or public relations (PR) material, as if it is objective knowledge. (By the way, "propaganda" was the term used before "PR" became popular.)
How does this news story impact my emotions? (Propaganda is designed to stir emotions, either positive or negative.)
Still having trouble telling the difference between fact and fiction? The following resources, which address news literacy and media bias, may help you:
Media Bias/Fact Check - Media sources are rated for "bias, factual accuracy, and credibility."
News Literacy Project - From the mission statement: "Building a national movement to advance the practice of news literacy... creating better informed, more engaged and more empowered individuals—and ultimately a stronger democracy."
Checkology - Free lessons in news literacy. "Learn how to think about news and information—not what to think."
Rumor Guard - Learn to "recognize misinformation and stop it in its tracks."
Political Discussions
Now that you're well informed on progressive politics, you'll be eager for political discussions with the people you know. Get some tips for productive and persuasive political conversations at "The Secret to Political Persuasion," which suggests that you ask, listen, reflect, agree, and share.
It is possible to persuade people--to consider the progressive point of view--without getting into fights. Stay strong!